June 21, 2022
Important Information for our 2022 Graduates & Students Applying for Post-Secondary
Congratulations to our 2022 Grads! Final marks will be sent to The Ministry of Education at the end of the school year and final transcripts will be released by July 31st. Your dogwood diploma will be mailed to the school and our secretary will send an email once it has arrived and is ready for pick up (September).
You can view your Unofficial Transcript of Grades or order your Official Transcript of Grades through the Ministry of Education website. You will need your PEN (Personal Education Number) to set up your BCeID account.
You may find these video links helpful in setting up your BCeID account and ordering transcripts:
Sending your transcript to post-secondary school (college)
Ordering a transcript for yourself or an employer
Final Post-Secondary Institute (PSI) Selections for 2022 Graduates:
The Electronic Post Secondary Institutions (PSI) Selections Form allows students to authorize the Ministry of Education to send their marks/transcripts to selected post-secondary institutions.
To ensure timely delivery to your selected PSIs, students should make their PSI selections in the Student Transcripts Service (STS) by July 8.
Schools do not have access to this site. This is a personal document which requires students to provide authorization for the Ministry of Education to release their information to outside institutions.